To appreciate the three treasures of Lishui, please come to Ajuda Palace in Portugal

2019-12-13 15:12:02 antegroup 31


On December 11, 2019, the much-watched "Family China• Ruifu New Chapter" and the Lishui Three Treasures "One Belt One Road" Portugal tour event was grandly opened at the Ajuda Palace, the National Palace of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. This tour is both a celebration The 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal is also to enhance mutual understanding and friendly exchanges between the two peoples and to strengthen cultural and artistic exchanges between the two countries. As the first stop of the “Belt and Road” tour exhibition in Europe, the Portuguese Ajuda Palace was the first shocking event.

The event was guided by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the Chinese Embassy in Portugal, hosted by the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Lishui Municipal People’s Government, and Xiling Yinshe, the Lishui Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Lishui Municipal People’s Government Foreign Affairs Office , Lishui City Returned Overseas Chinese Association, Longquan City Government, Qingtian County Government, co-organized by Ante Group Ni Dongfang Art Museum, Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Portuguese Chinese Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Global Iberian Media and other units.



The opening ceremony was attended by Ms. Estrela, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Portuguese Republic, Mr. George Sampaio, the former President of Portugal, Ms. Ferreira, Secretary of State of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, Mr. Medina, Mayor of Lisbon, and Mrs. Ka Ms. Tarina, Ambassador of Israel, Spain, South Korea and Australia to Portugal, Ms. Clara, Director of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Mr. Alberto, Secretary-General of Lisbon City Hall, His Excellency Cai Run, Chinese Ambassador to Portugal, Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mr. Cai Wenxian, Chairman, Mr. Lian Xiaomin, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of Zhejiang Province who came from China to attend the opening ceremony, Ms. Ren Shunv, Member of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Lishui Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda, Mr. Liu Chongmin, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Lishui People's Government, and Chairman of Zhejiang Lishui Overseas Chinese Federation Guo Haiguang Mr. Lin Chunxia, Chairman of Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Federation, Zhejiang; Mr. Zou Chunping, Deputy Director of Qingtian County People’s Congress in Lishui, Zhejiang; Donor of works for this exhibition-Mr. Liu Jianwu, Chairman of China Ant Group and Director of Ni Dongfang Museum, Portuguese government official and entrepreneur representative There are more than 200 people including leaders of various departments of Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Federation, Lishui City and Qingtian County, representatives of overseas Chinese groups in Portugal and Chinese-funded enterprises, and representatives of Zhejiang overseas Chinese groups in Europe.


Guest speech


In his speech, Lian Xiaomin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Federation of Overseas Chinese of Zhejiang Province, said that a hundred years ago, the ancestors of Qingtian left their hometowns, went abroad, entered Portugal, and brought Qingtian stone sculptures to European countries to "throw stones and ask for directions". They worked hard and dared to fight. Forged a unique "overseas Chinese spirit". Relying on this precious spirit, the ancestors of Qingtian "turn the stone into gold", let more people around the world understand Qingtian stone carving, fall in love with Qingtian stone carving, and establish a deep friendship with the local people. The interpretation of Qingtian stone sculptures has become a "friend of gold and stone".


Lishui Municipal Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda, Mrs. Ren, said in her speech that Portugal is an important hub linking the Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on the sea, and the friendly exchanges between China and Portugal have a long history. The Lishui Three Treasures Tour Exhibition in Portugal is of great significance. It is a major event held on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal, the 20th anniversary of the return of Macau, and the first anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s visit to Portugal. It is hoped that this cultural exchange will start from the tour exhibition and will surely take root in Portugal in the future, with lush branches and fruitful fruits. The Three Treasures are not only owned by Lishui, Zhejiang and China, but also the treasures of Sino-Portuguese cultural exchanges, cooperation and friendship, and the world's cultural treasure house.


Mr. Liu Jianwu, Chairman of China Ante Group and Director of Ni Dongfang Art Museum, said in his speech that although my hometown, Qingtian, China, is thousands of miles away from Portugal, it has close ties with it. One hundred years ago, the ancestors of Qingtian left their hometowns, went abroad, walked into Portugal, and brought stone sculptures to "throw stones and ask for directions". They worked hard, carried forward the spirit of overseas Chinese in Qingtian, turned stone sculptures into gold, and actively integrated into the local area to enhance friendship. Make stone carving a "turn of gold and stone".

Liu Jianwu said: “I have a deep relationship with Portugal, and Portugal is my second hometown. After receiving the invitation of the co-organizer, we are honored and deeply felt that the mission is very important. The selection was carefully selected in the Ni Dongfang Art Museum. 200 treasures are the exhibits of this event. I hope to use this as an opportunity to actively explore new ways of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges, build a new platform for Chinese and Western cultural exchanges, and consolidate the friendship between the two peoples.


Cai Wenxian, President of the Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said in his speech that Qingtian stone carving, Longquan celadon, and Longquan sword are excellent traditional Chinese crafts that are well-known at home and abroad. They contain the cultural spirit of the Chinese nation's exquisite craftsmanship, fine carvings, and ingenious workmanship. They are Lishui The city’s iconic cultural business card. Most Chinese nationals living in Portugal are from Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. To be able to appreciate art works from hometown in Portugal today should be mixed feelings.

Mr. Cai said that over the years, the overseas Chinese in Portugal have worked hard, forge ahead, constantly strive for self-improvement, actively integrate into the local society, and create a beautiful new life with the Portuguese people. At the same time, the overseas Chinese in Portugal continue to inherit the excellent Chinese culture, learn from each other, communicate and communicate with the civilizations of China and Portugal, and play a positive role as a bond and bridge. It is hoped that through today’s cultural exhibition activities, the Portuguese people’s understanding and understanding of Lishui’s history, culture and social development will be further enhanced. The two sides forged friendship and started comprehensive cooperation in the fields of commerce, cultural tourism, and green development.


 In his speech, Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Cai Run pointed out that the friendship between nations lies in the closeness of the people and in cultural exchanges. China has a thousand-year history of carving text on gold, bronze, jade and other materials, and is commonly known as "golden stone." After thousands of years of development, it has evolved into a culture. The seal is a typical representative of it. The finest Qingtian stone, one of the three treasures of Lishui, carved into a seal is extremely valuable for collection. The seal symbolizes good faith in China, and a contract has a higher credibility after being signed and sealed. I believe that this "New Chapter of Family Love in China, Ruifu" and the Lishui Three Treasures "One Belt One Road" Portugal Tour Exhibition will not only allow Portuguese friends to appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese stone culture and art, but also let everyone know more about China's thousand-year-old integrity culture .


Ms. Ferreira, State Secretary of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, said in her speech that this cultural event is a tribute to the ability of Portugal and China to learn from each other and to the recognition of cultural diversity. China's Lishui Three Treasures fine art works bring the excellent culture of the ancient oriental country to Portugal's Ajuda Palace, allowing us to better understand Chinese culture and the essence of the peoples far away in the East. The Millennium Art Exhibition will complement the cultural exchanges and traditional friendship between Portugal and China.

Gift ceremony

At the end of the opening ceremony, Chairman Lian Xiaomin, Minister Ren Lady, and Curator Liu Jianwu presented Longquan to Ms. Estrela, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Portugal, Mr. George Sampaio, Former President, and Ms. Ferreira, State Secretary of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture. Celadon and Qingtian stone carvings are at this very commemorative moment as a blessing to the friendship and friendship between China and Portugal for generations.


Chairman Lian Xiaomin presented Qingtian stone sculptures to Ms. Estrela, Deputy Speaker of the Portuguese Parliament


Minister Ren shunv presented Longquan celadon to former Portuguese President George Sampaio


Curator Liu Jianwu presented the Qingtian stone seal to Ms. Ferreira, State Secretary of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture

Scene highlights




After the opening ceremony, all the guests moved to the exhibition hall to enjoy the famous Qingtian stone carvings, Longquan celadon and Longquan swords at home and abroad. Visitors were attracted by this oriental charm. The opening ceremony was frequently praised by the guests from China and Portugal. And the mutual congratulations ended successfully.
