A Book Of Inheritance Written By Overseas Chinese in Qingtian, witnessing The National Strength Facing The Epidemic

2020-08-05 12:00:36 jcadmin 18

The clouds drifting across the horizon
The hand like a loved one is calling

By chance, the editor came to a beautiful county town in Zhejiang that was rich in oil. No, it should be said that it is a small international city. Although it is small, you can drink the most authentic coffee in the world and taste it here. The most pure red wine in the world, you can buy the most complete daily necessities in the world, and the world’s unique state-owned highest-grade ore is produced here. Legend has it that the relics used by Nuwa to mend the sky are the ore here. Where is such a strange place? ? ?

——That is the "Nine Mountains, Half Water and Half Field" city located in the middle and lower reaches of the Oujiang River, hidden deep in the mountains and mountains of southern Zhejiang


Qingtian, the county has a total area of 2493 square kilometers and a total population of 559,000. It has undulating mountains, crisscrossing valleys, and numerous strange mountains. The Ou River, known as the "Lijiang River in Southern Zhejiang", passes through the territory and is beautiful. thousand. It has a long history, beautiful clocks and outstanding people, and has the reputation of "Hometown of Stone Carving, Hometown of Overseas Chinese and Hometown of Famous People".

Today, let’s talk about its story about overseas Chinese!


As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draft water! The same goes for the Qingtian people. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, there was such a Qingtian person who was unwilling to be content with the status quo. He was "Wu Gankui"!

According to the "History of Overseas Chinese in Qingtian County": Wu Qiankui, named Zhongqi, and Zi Qiankui, was born in Longxian Village, Fangshan Township. He was from a poor family and worked as a long-term worker. He burned charcoal in Suichang at the age of 30. After being recommended by a friend, Wu Qiankui worked as a partner for a businessman in Ningbo and went to Southeast Asia to sell tea. Because people are loyal and trustworthy, capable of doing things, and handy in business, they are valued. A few years later, the boss will advance the capital to support Wu Qiankui to set up another door.

Wu Qiankui went abroad in 1905 and still started his business by selling tea. Wu Qiankui's first pot of gold was dug in Belgium. It is said that he was selling tea in Brussels, Belgium, when the whole city was suffering from pink eye. Wu Qiankui crushed the tea leaves and applied them to the eyes of the mayor’s wife to heal them. As a result, his tea leaves were snapped up by local citizens. Chinese tea saved the people in a city, and the local government specially awarded them a silver medal.


▲ Wu Qiankui's old photos and some documents

In 1915, at the Panama-Pacific Universal Exposition hosted by San Francisco, Wu Qiankui and others vigorously promoted and expanded sales. The sales market of Qingtian stone carvings in the United States is getting bigger and bigger, and it is very profitable. Wu Qiankui has traveled in Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and other places for more than 20 years, bringing Qingtian stone sculptures into various international competitions and winning multiple awards.


▲ Qingtian stone sculptures that flowed into overseas markets early

When the villagers saw Wu Qiankui carrying Qingtian stone carvings and tea leaves abroad for business and returning home, they followed suit and gradually formed a trend of young people going abroad to start businesses. Wu Qiankui is a veritable overseas Chinese.


▲ The Qingtian stone carving shop opened in the United States by the people of Qingtian in the early years

In 1927, Wu Qiankui returned to China and successively purchased more than 300 acres of land in Ruian, Pingyang, and Yongjia, and built the "Old Yanling Home" residence in his hometown of Longxian. After returning to his hometown, he actively participated in public welfare undertakings in his hometown and successively helped fund roads and bridges and temples.


Migratory birds

With the migration of the times, today’s Qingtian has developed into the country’s largest hometown of overseas Chinese, accounting for about 40% of the total Qingtian population. Almost every family is an overseas Chinese, mainly concentrated in Europe, which can be said to be the closest county to Europe. Walking on the streets of Qingtian is like time and space, like a small European town surrounded by the heart of China.



▲ European style architecture


▲Keep clocks of different countries' time


▲ Roadside cafes and bars


Every one of Qingtian people outside is concerned about their hometown. Under the initial environment of this epidemic, they all contributed to China and Qingtian. Batches of epidemic prevention materials were sent back to China. Now, the effect of China's epidemic prevention and control is gradually manifesting. However, new alarms are constantly being raised overseas. There are contradictions between the protection awareness of overseas Chinese and foreign policies. At present, strong prevention and control mechanisms have been established in various parts of China to reach the grassroots level. Qingtian is also donating epidemic prevention materials overseas, just like "Qingtian Overseas Chinese "Information of Overseas Chinese" said: "The motherland will always be your strongest backer, and your hometown will always be your strong backing." The door of your hometown will always be open for you.



▲ Qingtian immediately supports overseas Chinese

The people of Qingtian are like a group of migratory birds outside. No matter how far they fly, they never forget to return to their nests. The water in their hometown is the sweetest, the tea in their hometown is the most fragrant, and the moon in their hometown is the largest and roundest moon. Now, With the changes in the situation and concepts at home and abroad, more and more overseas Chinese in Qingtian have returned to China to start businesses and contribute to their hometown. The construction of the "China Qingtian·Dongbao Mountain Overseas Chinese Cultural Museum Eco City strong>" is the entrepreneurial paradise where many returned overseas Chinese show their talents and lead the world to Qingtian. The international Qingtian is soaring!

